Shared - A Reverse Harem Romance Read online

Page 13

Hunter shrugged apologetically. The fabric was all torn, like he’d grabbed it by both hands and just pulled it apart. It was a miracle I hadn’t noticed.

  “Sorry, it was in the way.”

  “Don’t be,” I told him. “That’s so fucking hot…”

  He reached for me and I went to him, cuddling up against his warm, powerful chest. Naked beneath the sheets, it wasn’t long before we drifted off to sleep.

  This is perfect, I sighed to myself contentedly. As perfect as it gets.

  The last thing I remember was feeling wonderfully complete. Proud that our relationship as a trio was fully consummated, in every possible way.

  If only I’d known what I was truly in for…



  I slept past eleven o’clock the next morning. Which was pretty damned unheard of, since I hadn’t slept that late since grade school.

  I had Hunter to blame, of course. We’d gotten up sometime around midnight and gone at each other all over again, even stopping to make sandwiches when we were finished. It was fun, sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night. Like we were trying not to wake anyone’s parents during some weekend sleepover.

  I loved every minute of our late-night adventure, which ended with us falling asleep in each other’s arms. We’d been watching some cheesy horror flick on TV. The kind where the vampires all have dangling earrings and long 80’s hair.

  Groaning and stretching, I rolled out of bed. Somehow, my hair was damp.

  Shit, we even did it in the shower, didn’t we?

  I could remember that now; Hunter taking me again from behind, while trying to wash up and get into some clean, dry clothes. And then again in my bed, because his bed was too wet…

  The whole night was a beautiful, delirious blur. I kept going back to the art exhibit, and the incredible canvas Hunter had painted of me. And of course, the crystal glass greenhouse…

  As far as dating went, it was the pinnacle of my romantic life. It sure would be a hard night to top.

  I reached down gingerly, between my legs. My pussy was tender, but not too sore. Probably because I’d been so wet. So willing…

  “Hey sexy.”

  I found Brandon in the kitchen, hunched over a cold plate of hash browns. Colin wasn’t too far away, carrying two bags of laundry in from his car.

  “Looks like someone had fun last night,” Brandon quipped.

  “Sounded like it too,” Colin smirked.

  Normally such comments would’ve turned me a bright shade of red. In this case however, I had nothing to be embarrassed about.

  Honestly, I was glad they knew the deed had finally been done.

  “So we’re all for one and one for all now, eh?” asked Brandon.

  I ran both hands through my tangled hair and shook it out. “Yup. We sure are.”

  “Good,” he said, and he genuinely meant it. “There’s still some coffee there,” he pointed with his fork. “Gonna need to heat it up though.”

  “Microwave coffee?” I gasped.

  He nodded as if it were the most sane thing in the world. “Yeah. Why the heck not?”

  “Because we’re not barbarians,” Colin finished for me. I smiled at him from across the kitchen. We even gave each other air high-fives.

  I dumped the pot into the sink and started the water again. My morning was almost over, and my afternoon was doomed to get off to a slow start.

  “Where’s Hunter?” I asked, not-so-innocently.

  Brandon looked curious. “You don’t know?”

  I shook my head.

  “Out of town,” said Colin. “For the next two days.”

  “It’s a work thing,” added Brandon. “He does it once a month. It’s always the same.”


  I tried not to look disappointed. Though I still had two of my sexy roommates, I’d wanted to at least kiss Hunter good morning. After the night we’d had, it seemed only right.

  “Don’t worry,” Brandon said. “We’ll be taking care of you.”

  The way he emphasized taking care made me immediately take notice. My stomach did a sexy backflip.


  “Oh yeah,” smiled Colin. He threw the football player a knowing smile. “Don’t make any plans for later.”

  I pressed the button on the coffee pot and turned back to them, both hands on my hips.

  “And why’s that?” I asked.

  “Because tonight,” said Brandon proudly. “We’re taking you out on a date.”

  Now I did turn red. I felt myself starting to sweat a little. “A date?”


  “With… the both of you?”

  “Uh huh,” said Colin.

  My heartbeat kicked into overdrive. “Tonight...”

  “Unless you wanna go some other night,” said Brandon. “But I’m thinking that tonight?” He winked. “You really should come with us.”

  I glanced up at my two sexy lovers, both of whom were staring down at me. Like they wanted to eat me or something. Which would’ve been just fine, as far as I was concerned…

  “Alright, it’s a date,” I shrugged with a smile. “I have to warn you guys though, I can be sort of expensive. The kind of date who’s not afraid to order the lobster.”

  Colin laughed. Brandon, I could tell, wasn’t exactly sure what I was driving at.

  “We’ll be careful,” said Colin. He picked up the laundry bags again before heading for the stairs. The trapezius muscles of his shoulders stood out beautifully. His biceps and triceps popped. “Maybe you should too.”

  His last words were lost on me. I was too busy staring at his arms.



  Taking Claudia out to the movies had been Brandon’s idea. But bringing her to the old, abandoned drive-in theater?

  That had been mine.

  At first it sounded silly, trying something this weird. The place was far out in the middle of nowhere, a vast field of broken pavement and jutting grasses, entirely lost to time. I’d seen it on the old maps, and had looked at it with the past satellite images. No one had seen a movie there since… well… thirty or forty years ago, it looked like.

  Even so, I loved places like this. Places that once held the hustle and bustle of activity and life, but were now totally and completely forgotten. Abandoned shopping malls, run down factories with all the windows broken… if you could say I actually had a hobby, visiting and photographing these places was sort of my thing.

  Claudia was blindfolded as we drove her up to where the old screen still stood. It was half-collapsed backward, but what remained was white enough and flat enough for what we intended to do.

  “We’re here,” I announced, indicating to Brandon that he could remove her blindfold. I parked in the first row, up near the screen. Pulled up next to a rusty steel pole that I knew once held one of the old speaker-boxes.

  “Ummmm…” Claudia said, looking around in complete dismay. “Where exactly is here?”

  “The Silver Moon Drive-In Theater,” I announced proudly and loudly.

  Now both Claudia and Brandon were scanning around. The place was unrecognizable. Utterly dark and deserted. Small trees grew from crevasses in the asphalt, where cars once parked to watch the big, gargantuan screen.

  “I hate to break it to you,” Claudia said ominously. “But I’m thinking they might be closed.”

  I laughed loudly. “Not tonight,” I said. “Not for us.”

  I popped the trunk, and Brandon got out to retrieve the one possible thing that could salvage movie night for us: my portable projector.

  “Plug it in here,” I pointed as he got back in. “I’ll queue up the movie.”

  There was plenty of room in the front seat of my old Chevy Caprice Classic. There was room in the back seat too, for what we really wanted. What was once my father’s first car — and apparently a family heirloom — was now all mine.

  “You can do this?” Claudia asked incredulously. She
pointed out through the windshield. “You can play a movie on that screen?”

  “Using my laptop and this projector?” I said without looking up. “Yup. That’s the plan.”

  “Well,” Brandon added with a flirtatious wink, “part of the plan.”

  The playground had been reclaimed by the forest. The snack bar was nothing but a broken skeleton of splintered beams and corrugated tin walls.

  But from where we were parked? I had a straight shot at the movie screen.

  Claudia’s continued astonishment was almost adorable. She sat between us in the front seat, staring around in child-like wonder.

  “What movie are we going to see?”

  “The Notebook,” I said casually, pressing on some keys.

  Her whole face lit up with joy. Like a kid on Christmas, who just opened the exact present they wanted.

  “Really?” She clapped her hands together. “We’re really going to watch the—”

  “No silly,” I laughed. “We’re watching Die Hard.”

  Her expression went from pure elation to abject disappointment so quickly, I almost regretted the joke. I realized I could probably download the Notebook in a few short minutes if I tried right now. But I really, really didn’t want to try.

  “Oh come on,” I said placatingly. “Die Hard’s gonna look awesome on the big screen! Besides, you’re not going to be watching the whole movie anyway.”

  Claudia snorted back at me, almost scornfully. “I’m not?”


  “And why’s that?”

  I looked at Brandon. He looked at her.

  “Because you’ll be spending most of the movie in the back seat,” he said simply, “while we take turns screwing your brains out.”



  The statement sent my pulse racing. It was so bold, so terrifyingly direct. And yet so incredibly hot… all at the same time.

  “Ah,” said Colin. “There we go.”

  He hit one more key, and the machine on the dashboard sprang to life. An image appeared on the big movie screen, fired through the windshield by the lens of the projector.

  “Damn that’s cool,” said Brandon.

  The movie took up only the bottom half of the screen, but that was okay because the top half was broken off anyway. It was a little blurry, and the screen a little stained in places. But it was watchable. And above all else, it was cute.

  “You guys are adorable,” I told them. “Really.”

  “And cool,” said Brandon. “Don’t forget cool.”

  “Seriously,” I said, genuinely impressed. “I can’t believe you know all this stuff!”

  Colin pressed a few more buttons. “I’m the nerd of the group,” he said, jerking a thumb at himself. “Don’t you know that by now?”

  Brandon laughed. “He’s the brains. I’m the brawn.” He paused. “I don’t know what Hunter is…”

  He’s the alpha… I thought but didn’t say.

  The music started, and I snuggled in between them. Colin still had the car running. A warm steady heat washed over us from the dashboard vents as Brandon reached into the back seat.

  “Popcorn,” he smiled, bringing out a giant movie-sized bag. “And…” he reached back again. “Candy!”

  They’d thought of everything, my two sexy boyfriends. Brandon tore open a bag of Swedish Fish and offered me some. Colin, reaching down by his feet, slid open a small cooler filled with beer and soda.

  “Let’s watch the beginning,” Brandon said excitedly. “The beginning is good!”

  Finally they produced a long fuzzy blanket, and stretched it across the three of us. We were comfy. Cozy. But outside in the frozen darkness, the abandoned field of the ancient Drive-In looked like something out of a haunted house story.

  Colin poked me. “Creepy out there, isn’t it?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  He leaned in and kissed me, so slowly and sensually I actually felt myself melting into the seat. His hand went to the side of my face, brushing my hair back over my ear, caressing me gently.

  “Not in here,” he winked.

  The movie played on, and for the first half hour we actually watched it. We munched on popcorn. Sipped our drinks. Beyond the glass, the icy graveyard that had once been a beautiful, thriving hot spot was now a ghost of its former self. But even surrounded by shadows on all sides, I felt safe and secure between them.

  A hand felt its way up my leg. Another slipped around my waist. My two men were both making moves, both leaning in. Soon they were both kissing me, too… taking turns, one of them making out with me while the other watched the movie.

  “You alright?”

  I nodded to Colin. “Yeah, why?”

  “You’re trembling.”

  I smiled shyly and went back to kissing him. It was weird, but I was actually a little nervous. I’d been with each of them before already, but still…

  “It’s strange having us both here at once, isn’t it?”

  I inhaled a long, deep breath and let it out slowly. “I guess. Kinda.” I shrugged and his eyes narrowed. “Not in a bad way,” I added hastily. “Not at all! Just weird in that, well…”

  “You’ve never been with two guys before.”

  Two guys…

  The phrase took my breath away for a moment.

  “Look,” Colin went on, “we’re both your boyfriends. Right?”

  “Of course!”

  “Then there’s nothing wrong with us both being with you, even together. Brandon and I have nothing to hide. No jealousy between us. That’s how this whole thing works, right?”

  I nodded slowly. It made perfect sense. I wanted it too, especially now. As with all women, the two-guy threesome fantasy had of course crossed my mind… probably more times than I’d like to admit.

  “Besides,” he whispered into my ear. He looked past me to make sure Brandon wasn’t paying attention. “This is virgin territory for the both of us. Remember?”

  I nodded again and smiled. “You’re right,” I said, reaching for him. My hand settled over his leg.

  “I’m always right,” Colin chuckled, taking my hand and moving it to his crotch. “Remember that.”

  His mouth went to my neck, and I rolled my head back against the seat. He kisses were incredible. Slow and hot and totally sexy. I ran my hand up his shirt, to feel his stomach. His firm, rippled abs made me immediately wet.

  Brandon finally noticed, and began working me from the other side. His hand slid up my skirt. His fingers found me without any panties — they’d taken them from me on the ride over. That was yet another part that was sexy; being blindfolded while having my panties rolled down my naked thighs…

  Colin undid my blouse, then my bra. When my breasts were revealed they went for them immediately, each taking one in their mouths.

  Oh my God…

  I was between two gorgeous young athletes, attending to me from either side.

  This is actually going to happen…

  Two sets of hands roamed my body. Two sets of fingers glided over my dripping wet slit, fighting to see who got to penetrate me first.

  I spread my legs to give them access. Arched my back as they kissed and licked and sucked on my very pert, very sensitive nipples.

  This is heaven.

  My hands went into their hair. I pulled them close, feeling their teeth biting playfully as they slipped their fingers inside.

  I… I can’t believe…

  “Backseat?” Brandon suggested, and I saw Colin nod his head.

  I sighed as they stopped long enough to pull me over, entering the warm, spacious realm of leather and darkness. The sound of two belt buckles simultaneously being undone made the whole thing official:

  I was the luckiest girl in the world.



  Fucking just one of my new boyfriends was beyond amazing; I knew that already from being with them alone. But screwing two of them, at once?

p; It was all new levels of pleasure and ecstasy.

  Brandon took me first, making me groan loudly as he slid into me from behind. I was so wet, so totally turned on by the idea of what I was about to do that I could’ve accommodated the both of them at once — which in the back of my mind, was something else I was more than willing to try.

  But not at the moment. Right now, all I wanted was to gratify them both. To give them the pleasure of my body, without regard for anything else. In short, I wanted to make them come. Bring them off in any way they wanted, as long as it involved using me between them.

  I was manipulated sideways on the long seat, as Brandon and I began working up a steady rhythm. My eyes closed. My head was in Colin’s lap, his warm cock pressed against the side of my face as I stroked him up and down.

  “Put it in your mouth,” Brandon urged from behind me. “I want to see it.”

  My lips parted obediently and I slid Colin inside. His cock was smooth and beautiful, like his body. Lean and strong in the back of my throat.

  Holy shit…

  I let myself go, allowing my body to be rocked gently between them. Every stroke took me deeper. Every push and pull brought me closer to taking the full length of each of them; Brandon, deep in my pussy… Colin in my mouth.

  “That’s so fucking sexy…” Brandon breathed. “Look at her…”

  Colin was stroking my hair with one hand, pulling it away so Brandon could see. Someone moaned, I couldn’t tell who, and I opened my eyes.

  The visual of being sandwiched between them nearly overloaded my brain.

  It was crazy, being taken from both ends. Being shared by two men… men so close to each other they were almost like brothers, now connected — physically and emotionally — by my warm little body.

  “She loves it,” Brandon went on. “Don’t you?”

  I moaned in answer, around Colin’s perfect cock. “Mmm—Hmmph.”

  Brandon’s hand went into my hair, pulling my head back. The angle caused Colin to pop from my mouth, drooling a rope of saliva down my quivering chin.