Shared - A Reverse Harem Romance Page 15
It was gratifying… and yet terrifying too. That such a crazy thing could happen to us, something that against all odds should not ever possibly have worked. Only it was working. Our love for her was growing, thriving… blossoming into something deeper and more profound. We’d talked about it together, when the three of us were alone. About how we’d all seen things in ourselves that were made better simply by knowing her.
The water churned again as Claudia finished kissing Colin. She pushed off, slid back into my lap, and wrapped her legs around me.
“I know this was mostly you,” she whispered sexily in my ear. “This whole backyard should’ve been condemned… and somehow you brought it back to life.”
She nibbled on my earlobe. Her hands wandered over my stomach… and then further downward.
“It’s my birthday,” she murmured. “And I get all three of you. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.”
Her hand closed over me. Between the warmth of the water, and her skin against mine, I was already fully hard.
“And I want you first…”
My hands moved to her hips as she guided me inside her. I watched her eyes flare sexily as I plunged in all the way to the hilt.
“I love you,” Claudia said, looking me right in the eyes. Keeping her ankles locked behind my back, she leaned back and reached for the others. “I love you all…”
They came to her willingly and she pulled them close, Colin with one arm, Brandon with the other. We formed a triangle around her. A triangle of arms and legs and other swollen parts… parts we’d use to give our girlfriend the very happiest of all possible birthdays.
“Now if only the deck doesn’t collapse,” Brandon said jokingly, “this should be fun.”
It had been two days since my magical birthday night. Two days since I’d professed my love for my three incredible boyfriends, and they for me.
It’d also been two days since I’d been screwed nearly half to death in the Delta Delta Tau hot tub, but that went without saying. And I was only now just getting back to walking straight.
They’d taken me over and over again in the churning waters, plundering every part of me in their quest to make me theirs. And I was theirs. Wholly and completely. Mind, body, and soul.
But most definitely after that night.
I remember riding them, bouncing in their laps while the others played with my breasts or stood to feed me from the side. They’d bent me over the hot tub’s edge. Dogged me mercilessly from behind, while telling me all about the dirty things they’d do to me next.
I got off on it. Urged them on to the point we were talking filthy, playing the whole oneupmanship game that I could only lose in the end.
But in this game of three-on-one? Losing was still winning for me.
We finished christening (re-christening?) the hot tub with me in Hunter’s lap, his cock buried so deep in my pussy I doubted it would ever come out. There he held me against him, reaching around to spread me open for his two eager fraternity brothers. By his invitation, and with a little coaxing, he introduced Colin and then Hunter to the pleasures of taking me deep in the ass.
And crying out with joy and delirium, I was introduced to the exquisite pain of being double-penetrated.
Sweaty and sated, we ran through the snow and made the back door again, laughing the whole way. Once inside we toweled off, hydrated with some water, and then retired to the living room to catch up on some television.
The night ended for me on the living room floor, in a pile of blankets and pillows and wonderfully-naked man-flesh. I spread my legs wide for them as they took me again, each in turn. This time slowly, more sensually, with lots of kissing and eye-contact and toe-curling affection…
I had to shake myself from my daydream as I turned into the mall parking lot. Shit, I was actually wet. It couldn’t be helped, though. I just couldn’t stop thinking about them.
In time I’d have to tell someone. Lauren first, probably. And then eventually, even my family. They’d think I was crazy, of course. But in all honesty, I didn’t expect anyone to truly understand.
Nobody could understand, I thought to myself. Not in a thousand years.
The mall was filled with the usual holiday rush. A million people trying to buy ten million gifts. Christmas music played vaguely, somewhere overhead. I passed happy young couples, walking arm in arm. Parents holding their child’s hand, weaving through the wave of human traffic.
I wanted to make Christmas as special as possible for my three boyfriends. I knew in my heart, they’d make it special for me. Now, if only—
My train of thought was interrupted as my phone buzzed. I glanced down at it casually, then stopped and did a double-take.
There was a text message.
From Garrett.
I stopped walking, in the middle of a crowd. Someone bumped into me, then someone else.
What the hell does he want?
Apologizing profusely, I got moving again and headed off to the side. Somehow I found an unoccupied bench, sat down, and pressed the message button.
That’s all it said, four simple words. The message was short, but ominous. I didn’t like it.
There was no way in hell I was calling him though. No way I even responding to—
A photo appeared, right after the second message. It was dark, and not entirely in focus. Pinching the screen with my fingers, I zoomed in on it.
I gasped as all the blood in my veins turned to ice.
It was a picture of me. Of us. The four of us, to be more exact. A photo taken at night, from somewhere in my backyard.
A photo of us in the hot tub.
Oh my God…
My phone buzzed as another photo popped up. Then another, and another. In each of them, I was naked and wet… and in various stages of having sex with my boyfriends.
My chest felt like it was collapsing. I tried to draw breath, but suddenly couldn’t.
There was me on Brandon, riding him. A photo of Colin gripping my hips, pushing into me from behind. There was one of Hunter too, and then more of all four of us...
This can’t be happening!
Everything was exposed, everything laid out for all to see. And I could make out our faces. I could zoom in and see them, plain as day.
Holy shit…
I tried to stand but my legs wouldn’t work. Tried to hammer out a response, but it felt like my thumbs weren’t even attached to my hands. Besides, I didn’t know what to say! What to do!
Panic gripped me, and I dug deep trying to maintain control. Why would he do this?
I had no idea. But then an even more sinister thought occurred to me.
What does he want?
My fingers trembled so hard, it took me five tries to swipe the message screen closed. I was crying now. Openly. Tears streaming down my cheeks, obliterating my vision. Making it almost impossible to call up my ex’s contact info.
Eventually I did. Hands still shaking, I reached down and pressed the CALL button.
I was absolutely stricken with terror as the phone started ringing on the other end…
She was white as a ghost, and crying hysterically. Claudia flung herself bodily into my arms, and for the first minute all I could do was hold her while she wailed into my chest.
“What’s wrong?” I kept repeating. Her body was wracked with shuddering sobs. She was scaring me, now. I’d never seen anyone this upset in my life.
“Are you okay?” I asked, prying her face upward so I could see her. “Did you get in an accident? Are you hurt?”
She shook her head, but still couldn’t talk. Relief flowed through me. At least she was alright.
“Colin!” I shouted. “Hunter!”
My voice was loud enough and serious enough that they knew I meant business. Colin came first, bounding quickly down
the stairs.
“I don’t know,” I said. “Something happened. She’s upset—”
“It’s Garrett!” Claudia cried. “He’s… he’s…”
Garrett. Her ex husband’s name.
That asshole, was my first thought. I’ll kill him.
I pried her from my chest. Already I was filled with such rage it was going to be hard to stop me from doing something very, very bad.
“Claudia, calm down,” Colin said. His voice was softer than mine. More placating. “Tell us what happened.”
Instead of responding she merely pulled out her phone. She pressed a few buttons. Called up a text message.
I swiped the phone from her hand and read it. Instantly my whole body felt ten degrees hotter.
“Oh he’s dead!” I growled. “He’s—”
“Brandon!” I heard Hunter warn. “Calm down! Right now.”
It was his stern voice. The one he reserved for giving orders. Only this time, orders didn’t matter. Not after this.
I held up the phone so he could see. “LOOK!”
He looked, and his mouth went tight. His whole expression changed.
“You’re right,” he said venomously. “He’s dead.”
Colin grabbed it next and flipped through the images. Being the smarter one, he also pulled up the call log.
“You called him back?”
Claudia nodded. She was finally pulling herself together.
“And what did he say?”
“He said he wanted to meet with me,” she sobbed. “T—That I’d been somehow ignoring him, and he wanted to talk to me face to face.”
“Have you been ignoring him?” I asked.
“Of course,” she sniffed. “He… well… he actually tracked me down last month.”
This was all news to us. Claudia sensed it, and lowered her head.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Hunter asked coldly.
“I—I didn’t think anything of it,” she said. “It lasted fifteen minutes. Garrett made me sit down and have coffee with him, but that was weeks ago and—”
“Coffee?” Hunter growled.
“What did he want?” asked Colin.
Tears dripped from her chin now, so I wiped her face with my hand. Hunter left the room and came back with a stack of tissues.
“He wanted me back,” she said miserably. “Of course I laughed in his face. I didn’t even have coffee, I just got up and left.”
“And what did he want this time,” I asked. “Other than ask to meet you again?”
Claudia looked genuinely terrified. It made me angry, that this guy could make her this upset. My skin was flush and hot. My limbs were shaking.
“Tell me before I rip his arms off.”
She looked at me with apology in her eyes. “He told me I had to see him… or… or…”
“Or what?’
“Or he was sending the photos to everyone.”
“Who’s everyone?” asked Colin.
“The Dean’s office, for one,” she said glumly. “And my friends, my entire family…” She cringed. “He knew your names. He said he’d send the photos to your families also, and—”
I punched the wall so hard my fist went all the way through both panels of sheetrock. My arm started in the foyer and ended up in the dining room.
“Easy asshole,” spat Hunter. “I just fixed that wall.”
By now however, I was long past restraint.
“Look, that wall is just a small example of what I’m going to do this guy’s face!” My fist was numb. I pulled my arm back. “Threatening to send photos of me having sex — this kind of sex — to my family?”
I whirled on Claudia, probably just a little too harshly. It made her flinch.
“Where is he?” I growled. “Give me the address! Tell me where you used to liv—”
We turned, and Colin was standing there with his arms folded. We’d all been talking at once, but his voice had been loud enough to make everyone shut up.
“I want to beat this guy’s ass as much as you do,” he said slowly, “but if we’re not careful this whole thing’s gonna blow up anyway.” He shook Claudia’s phone for effect. “Before we go putting him in the hospital, we need to get these photos away from him. And to do that…”
Colin turned on his heel and abruptly led us into the kitchen. Completely at a loss for words we all followed.
He sat down at the table, then kicked a couple of chairs our way. Wordlessly we seated ourselves. The four of us sat staring down at the floor, our faces in our hands. Thinking. Wondering…
“Alright,” Colin said at last. “I’ve got it.”
We all looked up. Even Claudia’s face was hopeful.
“Y—You do?”
“Yes,” Colin said definitively. “Okay. Here’s what’s going to happen…”
It was bizarre, walking up to the restaurant after all these years. I hadn’t been there in forever, although Garrett used to take me all the time.
More importantly, he took me on the night we got engaged.
Meeting here had of course been his idea. I didn’t know if he was trying to taunt me or romance me. All I knew was I had to meet him, or the photos would come out. And once that happened, that would be it.
It would be the end of my job. Probably the end of my teaching career, unless I moved far, far away. And it would be the end of my family too; or at the very least, cause irreparable damage. Personally and professionally, I’d be ruined.
And beyond that? My boys. I couldn’t imagine how they felt about this whole thing, especially since it was all my fault. Garrett had never done anything like this before. But he was my ex, and therefore my problem…
“You’re early.”
I turned and there he was, suddenly behind me. It was crazy how much of a stalker he’d become. My once beloved fiance, now sidling up on me…
Garrett was clean-shaven now, looking much better and more focused than last time. He was also dressed sharply, in a pair of black slacks and a grey button-down shirt. I could smell my favorite cologne on him, too.
So it’s going to be romance then… my mind registered.
“I wanted to get this over with,” I told him. Realizing that was a bit harsh, I added “I just didn’t want you to wait.”
“Our table is ready,” he said. He extended his hand. “Come?”
Trying to hide my reluctance, I took it.
The restaurant was crowded, but somehow he’d scored the table we always sat at. The one where he’d gotten down on one knee to propose to me, while the rest of the patrons and staff clapped. It was cheesy, but I’d been overwhelmed with emotion at the time. In retrospect it was a little unimaginative, just like Garrett.
We sat down and I immediately ordered drinks. A Long Island Iced Tea for me, and Garrett’s favorite beer — the one in the bigger glass.
“Thanks,” he said approvingly. He kept looking me up and down. It made me uncomfortable.
“Don’t thank me,” I told him. “I’m here because you made me come. Now…” I said, tearing up. “What is it that you want, Garrett?”
He let out a long breath that was more of an agitated sigh. “You know what I want, Claudia. I want you to come home.”
The drinks arrived. I jumped right on mine.
“So you’re blackmailing me,” I said. “You’re forcing me to come back to you, even though I don’t want to.”
Garrett took my hand in his again. This time I didn’t pull back.
“Claudia, I’ve made mistakes. I was an asshole. I—”
“You’re still an asshole,” I said.
He took his napkin. Wiped my tears. Again, I let him.
“I didn’t want to to this. I really didn’t. I went over there hoping you weren’t… well, doing what you were doing.” His face went from concerned to pained. “And with all three of them?�
�� He looked utterly disgusted. “Claudia… how could you do that?”
“It was easy,” it told him. “They respect me. They—”
“Nobody respects you,” he barked a short laugh. “They’re using you, Claudia. Using you to live in that house. To fuck you. That’s all they want. That’s all they—”
I burst into tears. Not because what he was saying was true — far from it — but because I needed time. I needed him to see struggle.
I reached for my drink again. After a minute of silence, he did the same. We sat across from each other, at this table we once shared during happier times. This guy I used to have all these overwhelming feelings for, a million years ago.
He was like a stranger to me now. I felt nothing.
“Baby,” he said, “I didn’t want to do this. I never wanted to—”
“But you did,” I jumped in. “You took all those horrible photos. And now you’re going to send them everywhere! My friends, my family, my job… I’m going to lose everyth—”
“No you’re not.”
He squeezed my hand. I dried my eyes.
“Honestly Claudia, I still want you back.” He tapped his phone. “Even after… this.”
I swallowed hard. Tried to put on my game face.
I saw the hope in his eyes. It flooded in all at once, lighting his face up. His phone was on the table. I wanted to grab it. Erase everything…
But that wasn’t part of the plan.
“Yes really,” Garrett said. “Claudia, I love you. Those other girls… they meant nothing. The longer I spent with them, the more I realized they weren’t you.”
I sat quietly, looking back at him. Giving him a moment. Opening the door for him, just a tiny sliver.
“W—Why would you want me back?” I asked. “You must hate me.”
Garrett took my hand and brought it to his side of the table. He kissed it gently, and I tried not to wince.
“I don’t hate you at all,” he said placatingly. “I love you. That’s why I took these photos. Not to show other people. I wanted to show you how you looked, what you’ve become…”