Shared - A Reverse Harem Romance Page 17
“We’re just not,” he reiterated. Then, looking up from his potatoes, “Trust me.”
January was cold and grey, but filled with lots more of the same fun as before. There was an underlying uncertainty to things though, at least for me. Colin too. We were both the same kind of person — one who always needed a plan. The type of person who gets antsy unless we know exactly what’s coming next.
“Do you know what Hunter’s intentions are?” I asked him late one night, curled up alongside him in bed.
“No,” he said.
His answer was worrisome to me. He sensed it.
“But I trust him,” Colin said, rolling me over. He kissed me as he nudged my thighs apart. Smiled down as he entered me again. “Hunter always has a plan.”
Valentine’s Day was extra special. I came home to three beautiful cards, with three bags of gifts. Each contained something small but pretty; a scented candle, a crystal apple (for the teacher!), a vintage silver bracelet with the letter ‘C’ etched into its surface. When it came my turn to reveal my gift, I pulled off my shirt and showed them the new tattoo on my back left shoulder.
“What the heck is it?” Brandon asked, squinting.
“It’s the roman numeral three,” Colin told him. “Surrounded by a heart.”
It was symbolic of course. My three amazing men, surrounded by my love.
“So your gift to us on Valentine’s Day is getting a tattoo for yourself?” Hunter joked.
“It’s on my back,” I laughed. “I wouldn’t necessarily consider that for me.”
“So it’s for us?” Brandon smirked.
“Well you’ll get to see it whenever you’re behind me,” I teased, with a randy smile. “Which with this…” I pulled out a black baby-doll nightie from a Victoria Secret bag. “… will hopefully be a lot.”
Colin laughed. Brandon scratched his head.
“I dunno,” he chuckled. “It still feels to me like you went shopping for yourself on V-Day.”
I poked him. “Hey, there are three of you. One of me. So when it comes to gift-giving, I’m outnumbered, okay?”
“Three to one, eh?” Hunter said, grabbing me around the waist. “Those odds seem to be working out for you so far.”
That night there were no complaints from anyone, especially not me. I woke sticky and sated, overflowing with come, my not-so-new lingerie hanging off my well-stretched body. A hot shower and two coffees later I was a brand new woman, etching yet another glorious notch into my imaginary headboard.
February gave way to March. The weather got nicer. We were outside more, doing more things. But with April looming… the stress of what to do next hung over everything.
That is, until one Friday night.
“Heads up!” Hunter cried, throwing a pizza on the kitchen table. We’d gotten on a schedule, taking turns cooking meals. This was a particularly low effort, even for him.
“Eat fast,” said Hunter. “Then all of you, come with me. I have something to show you…”
We piled into the car together, which was always a tight fit. But we hadn’t gone more than five or six blocks when, all of a sudden, Hunter pulled over again.
“Get out,” he said.
Over in the back seat, Brandon was looking at Colin in confusion. “Uh… what?”
“I said get out.”
Hunter exited the car, slamming the door behind him. The three of us shrugged at each other and got out too. A minute later we were standing at the curb together. Looking up at…
“Oh wow,” said Colin. “Cool.”
It was our house. Or rather, the same exact model Victorian we lived in. This one wasn’t nearly as nice, though. It looked even worse for wear than when I’d first accepted the renovation job.
“Bah! We have nicer digs,” Brandon said. He clapped Hunter on the shoulder. “Cool that it’s the same though. Let’s get back in the car, it’s freezing and—”
“These are our digs,” said Hunter.
We looked at him strangely. None of us knew what he meant.
“My Uncle and I just bought this place from the bank,” he went on. “I went half on it with him, so we could fix it up.”
I blinked. “You’re going to what?”
“I said ‘we’, not me,” Hunter smiled. He stepped in and threw his arms around us. “We’re gonna renovate it. Flip it for profit. Pay my uncle his share, then buy the next property… rinse and repeat.”
“Us?” said Colin.
“The four of us?” asked Brandon.
“Sure,” said Hunter. “Piece of cake, no? Same house, same floor-plan. Same stuff we already did. It should be easy the second time around.”
It started to dawn on me. On all of us. My lips curled into a smile.
“Of course we’ll be living here while we do it,” he added needlessly. “If you think the four of us could get along for another—”
I threw myself at him and jumped into his arms. It happened so quickly I almost knocked him down.
“Really? This is already yours?”
“Ours,” he corrected. “And yes. What the hell do you think I’ve been working on doing all this time?”
It was astounding. It took us a while to even believe it. But then Hunter produced a key, and guided us on a tour of the place. It was strange, almost eerie, walking the same halls and bedrooms we’d already spent so much time in. Only these halls were cold and dirty and broken. We’d have to fix them up all over again. Fill them with warmth, and memories, and love… just like before.
It was absolutely the most perfect thing in the world.
“This gives us a big incentive to finish the other house,” I said as we were about to leave. “Take the bonus I made and dump it into fixing this place up.”
Hunter nodded. “And then onto the next place,” he smiled. “And the next one.” He shrugged. “Hell, between the four of us we’ll do these in record time. And who knows? Maybe one day we’ll even have a house we can call our own.”
Brandon rubbed his chin. “I dunno… I kinda like the moving and selling thing. All new places, all new adventures.” He looked up at us. “With the same people, of course.”
Colin, who’d been pretty silent, finally stepped forward. “I uh… I have a bit of good news also. Depending on how you look at it.”
We all turned to look at him. He seemed excited… but also somewhat reluctant, at the same time.
“I know who’s moving into our house.”
The other guys had no clue what he was talking about.
“Another fraternity?” I asked. “That’s what I was told by the University housing board, anyway.”
Colin nodded. “Yup.”
“Who then?”
He looked at Brandon, and then at Hunter. His face went gravely serious.
“Omega Alpha is gone,” he said sadly. “There’s no getting around that. So I went out and applied for a new charter. To open up a new chapter… of an old story.”
I tried reading him but I couldn’t. It didn’t make sense. Brandon looked baffled as well. But Hunter…
“You contacted Delta Delta Tau, didn’t you?”
“And what’d they say?”
“They were thrilled at the idea. One of the alumni is a big donor, and he convinced the Advisory Board to restart the old charter. He’s coming out next week, to finalize things.”
Brandon’s eyes widened. “So…”
“So the old Delta Delta Tau house is going to be Delta Delta Tau again.” He reached out and smacked Brandon in the chest. “And you and I? We’re going to be founding fathers.”
I watched as the full realization finally crashed over Brandon’s handsome but innocent face. He broke into the grin I loved so much.
“Seriously,” said Colin. “I brought in eleven of our old members, too. Omega Alpha might be disbanded, but there’s nothing stopping us from joining another
brotherhood. Mitch has already agreed to be President. Also Lance, Chris, Ron, and—”
Now it was Brandon’s turn to give hugs, and this time he did knock Colin down. Or at least halfway down, before he caught himself from falling.
“We won’t be living at the house,” he said, turning to face me. “But apparently…” he waved an arm around, “…we’ll only be a few blocks away.”
“Founding fathers,” Brandon swore. “Damn, I can’t believe it!”
He turned to hug Hunter… and stopped dead in his tracks. All the joy went of Brandon like a deflated balloon.
I suddenly realized the same thing he did: that all of this would take place in the fall. Colin and Brandon had one year of school left. But Hunter…
… Hunter was graduating this spring.
“Bro,” said Colin, turning to face their friend. “I’m sorry this didn’t happen sooner. I talked to the board though, and we can get your name on the application. You’ll still be a founding father, even as an alumni. Even though…”
He looked up at his friend reluctantly. But rather than disappointment, Hunter’s expression was all smiles.
“It’s all good,” Hunter said, hugging Colin hard. He gave him a back-clap that would’ve knocked most guys flat on their ass. “I appreciate it, but I don’t need that anymore. Omega Alpha was great, but when it was over, that was the end for me. I’m totally happy with moving on.”
“So are we,” said Brandon. He pointed to the water-stained floor. “Founding fathers or not, our first loyalty lies here.”
“And here,” said Colin, throwing an arm around me.
“Good to hear,” I laughed. “I was feeling a little left out for a moment.”
They pulled me in, forming a tight little circle around me like they always did. Brandon slipped an arm around my waist. Colin, over my shoulder.
Hunter’s hand slid beneath theirs, settling over my ass. He gave it an affectionate squeeze.
“You’re never left out.”
I sighed in contentment, feeling this enormous pressure slowly disappear. I guess I was lucky that way. Everything just had a way of working out.
“You know,” said Colin, looking around, “we could probably fix this place up pretty nice. Even better than the last one.”
“Yeah,” Brandon said, rolling his eyes. “If Claudia doesn’t put the doorknobs in backwards!”
“And if Hunter doesn’t pull a disappearing act every other weekend,” I teased.
“And if Brandon doesn’t eat us out of house and home,” said Hunter.
A silence settled over the foyer. Our foyer.
“As long as this comes first,” I said, nodding to our little circle. “We can do anything.”
Hunter leaned forward. He kissed me tenderly. Deeply. So did Brandon. So did Colin…
By the time they were done with me, I felt pleasantly woozy.
“We ready to go home yet?” I breathed.
“What’s the hurry?” Colin laughed. “Brandon already finished off all the pizza.”
I stepped in, cupping one hand firmly between his legs. The other I dragged slowly over Hunter and Colin…
“True,” I said with a smile and a wink. “But maybe pizza’s not the only thing that needs finishing off…”
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First of all, thanks for checking out Shared. Here’s hoping it totally knocked your socks off!
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For another sweltering hot roller-coaster ride, check out: Honeymoon For Three. Below you’ll find a preview of the amazingly sexy cover, plus the first several chapters so you can check it out for yourself.
Thanks so much, and enjoy!
Lauren was wrong, and for once she was glad for it. The wedding was going to be absolutely beautiful.
Four thousand miles from home, in a six-hundred year old castle in the English countryside. The lights, the decorations, the flowers… already these things were beyond amazing, and none of them had even been fully set up yet. The architecture of the place alone was incredible. It blew away any wedding Lauren had ever been to, and that number wasn’t exactly small.
It’s perfect, she thought to herself. Absolutely perfect. She took a deep breath and shook her head with a grin. Jenna was right again…
The funny part was that her best friend was always by right, and not in a know-it-all kind of way, either. No, Jenna was right in the most innocent of ways. The ‘always stepping in shit’ type of way, where everything was good shit and luck carried her happily on its back through most of her life.
Lauren smiled now as she walked along sprawling, wood-paneled floors. Past centuries-old decor and colorful tapestries. The reception was beginning to look like something straight out of a fairy tale. The kind of place any girl would dream her whole life of getting married in, even from the youngest of ages.
She continued on, making her way down a wide stone hall lined with red and yellow rose petals. Eventually Lauren pushed her way through an oaken door, into her big, spacious, bedroom suite.
A castle. She couldn’t help but laugh out loud. A REAL-LIFE castle!
It was all so very Jenna.
Immediately after entering, she glanced left. The spot where Adam’s suitcase had been was still empty. It had been like that for almost two days now, ever since he stormed out of their first rehearsal dinner. Ever since he’d announced their breakup — for the umpteenth time in their relationship — and stomped off like an asshole.
Only this time, the asshole actually flew back across the ocean without her.
Well at least you’ll get to have fun now, the little voice in her head told her. No worrying about him, or his mood, or whether or not he’s happy every ten seconds.
It was all true. That part of their relationship had been exhausting.
Now you can enjoy your best friend’s wedding in peace. You can let loose. Have fun! You can—
Lauren whirled in her bridesmaid’s dress, just as the door opened. Jenna walked in… then turned, and pulled the rest of her wedding gown in behind her.
“Oh my God!” Lauren cried out. Her hands went instinctively to her face. “You’re dressed!”
Jenna laughed as she closed the door. “Of course I’m dressed, silly. It’s my wedding in a couple of hours!”
“Yes, but…” Lauren was at a complete loss for words. “But you were supposed to wait for me!” Just looking at her friend she felt abruptly guilty. “I was supposed to help you get dressed! I’m the maid of honor, remember?”
Again Jenna chuckled. “It slips right on,” she said, waving one hand over the form-fitting white gown. “No biggie there. Besides, I didn’t do the last of my makeup yet. You can still help with that.”
Lauren took a step back, to take her friend in. “Oh Jenna!” she breathed. Her breath caught in her throat. “Jenna it’s absolutely beautiful!”
The bride beamed back at her, then flushed a crimson red. “Thanks,” Jenna said sheepishly. “I know you saw it once before, but…” her words trailed off as she twirled. The veil flared out behind her. “Well… Do you think he’ll like it?”
“Who, Logan?” Lauren was still in disbelief. “He’d be blind not to!” Tearfully she ran over and hugged her friend, being mindful of the dress. “Oh wow. Honey… You’re totally gorgeous!”
They embraced for a long time, and Lauren let her emotions get the best of her. She thought about everything they’d been through, from childhood until now, to arrive at this one, special moment.
“Forget about me and Logan,” Jenna said when they finally pushed back. “I came here to see how you were doing. And also—” She stopped suddenly mid-sentence. “Oh sweetie, are you crying?”
sp; Lauren smiled as she wiped away a single tear. “No, no I—”
“It’s Adam, isn’t it?” Her expression soured somewhat. “Oh Lauren, I’m so sorry.”
Lauren sniffled and shook her head again. “No, it’s definitely not Adam. Trust me.” The statement, she knew, was only partially true. “I was just crying at how happy I am for you.” She smiled back at her friend warmly. “Everything is so perfect, Jenna. Just like you said it would be.”
Jenna stared back at her. In her wedding dress she looked absolutely stunning.
God, Lauren thought to herself. Look at her. She’s so beautiful…
“You’re better off without him you know,” Jenna declared carefully. “He doesn’t deserve you.”
Lauren shrugged. The whole situation was screwed up. She didn’t want to think about it; not now, not tonight. Even so, she also knew her friend wasn’t wrong.
“Are you sure you’re not upset over Adam leaving?”
“Honestly? I’m more upset that he screwed up our plans,” Lauren replied. “We were supposed to spend a week here, tour England together. See Ireland. And now here I am changing my plane ticket to go straight home.”
Jenna’s shoulders slumped. She looked devastated for her friend.
“You could still do all that,” she said. “You could still—”
“Alone?” Lauren sighed. “No thanks. That’s just not me. I’d be miserable.”
“Look,” Lauren said, forcing a smile. “Forget about all this. It’s your wedding day! The last thing you should be doing is worrying about me. You’ve got a beautiful, amazing night ahead of you! And after that…”
“Wedding night sex?” Jenna giggled.
“Yeah,” Lauren laughed. “That too. But no, I was referring to the amazing honeymoon Logan has all planned out.”
That much Lauren was one-hundred percent sure of. Logan had come to her months ago, asking for ideas, and Lauren had helped him plan every last detail of her best friend’s honeymoon. The newlyweds were to tour Europe together, stopping at the biggest, best, and most fantastic places. Places that would make Jenna go crazy.