Shared - A Reverse Harem Romance Read online

Page 19

  And that’s when Jenna had jokingly offered to… what was it? ‘Take the bullet’ for her?

  Yeah, that was it.

  “Stomach flu, right?” Logan was saying.

  “Yeah. A real nasty one.”

  Logan grimaced. “Gross.”

  “Throwing up all over you,” Lauren went on, “every half hour? It probably would’ve made for a very shitty date.”

  The groom laughed as he took the lead. His feet moved effortlessly, with natural rhythm.

  “Believe it or not, I’ve had worse.”

  They danced together slowly, edging further from the band, closer to the fire. The heat felt good on her skin. She allowed herself to relax, probably with a little help from her last glass of wine.

  In the meantime, Logan’s arm felt wonderful wrapped around her. It was strong and masculine. Subtly powerful. For a moment Lauren almost forgot who she was dancing with.

  “Listen,” Logan said as they swayed to the music. “I wanted to tell you something.”

  His voice went low, and he drew her closer. The sounds of laughter, glasses clinking, the music echoing from the harsh stone walls — it was all background noise now.

  “I wanted to thank you,” Logan said. “For everything. For all you’ve done for Jenna, all through her life.”

  Her cheek almost rested on his chest now. Lauren could feel his voice in her ear, more than hear it.

  “She’s had it hard,” the groom went on. “Harder than most.” Logan pulled back a bit, and stared down into her eyes. There was gratitude there. And a special bond, that Lauren knew came from a shared love.

  “You’re the one person who’s been there for her, no matter what,” Logan went on. “Always.”

  Lauren blushed. She wasn’t used to accepting this much praise. Not from anyone.

  “She’s everything to me,” she finally spoke. “Just as she is to you.”

  “I know that,” Logan smiled. “And that’s what makes you so special to us.”

  The music changed, and the next song brought up a cheer from the crowd. A bunch of people moved onto the dance floor, crowding it.

  Lauren looked up, and she could see Jenna making her way over to them. Dancing. Smiling.

  “By the way, she’s got something to ask you,” said Logan. “And the answer from you needs to be ‘yes’.”

  She blinked back at him in confusion.

  “I mean it,” he reiterated. “Don’t even think about saying no.” His eyes moved up to his new bride. “She’s going to be crushed if you do.”

  Now Lauren was almost alarmed. “What is it?”

  The groom leaned forward, and instead of answering, silently kissed her forehead. Then he took her hand and passed it to Jenna.

  “Cutting in?”

  “Of course!” Jenna grinned. “It’s not really a wedding until the bride dances with the maid of honor.”

  Lauren watched as Logan turned away. He flashed her one last smile then disappeared into a sea of people.

  “Having fun?” Jenna asked sweetly. She hooked the same arm around Lauren’s waist that her husband did.

  “Sure am.”

  “Good,” Her friend said, studying her carefully. “We were a little worried you wouldn’t.”

  Lauren made a pouty face. “Do you think for a single second I’d let some jerkwad boyfriend ruin my best friend’s wedding for me?”

  “Jerkwad ex boyfriend,” Jenna reminded her.


  She hugged Lauren closer, and her body felt amazing pressed up against her. For a while they just held each other, dancing slowly. Enjoying the sighs and sounds and the merriment all around them.

  “You were supposed to wait for me,” Lauren said. “We were supposed to get married together.”

  The thought had come on suddenly. She’d said it without thinking.

  “Our pact?”


  Jenna pulled back to look at her. Lauren was smiling, but there was a sad truth behind her overall expression. She hoped her friend couldn’t see it.

  “Sorry, sweetie.”

  “Don’t be,” Lauren told her. She felt suddenly foolish for even mentioning such a thing. “I’m just messing around. We were only kids. What was that anyway, fifth grade?”

  “Fourth, I think.”

  “Exactly.” She stared back at Jenna. Halfway through her wedding, she was still perfectly gorgeous in her bridal gown. “The only thing that matters is you and Logan. He’s awesome, honey. You did so good.”

  Jenna’s eyes welled up with tears. She hugged her, then put her lips up against Lauren’s ear.

  “Did he tell you?”

  She shook her head. “No. He said something, but—”

  “We made new arrangements,” said Jenna excitedly. “Instead of staying here tonight and tomorrow, we’re flying out a day early. We’re stopping somewhere else before Italy. Somewhere really cool.”

  Lauren’s heart sank. Her friends would be gone before she was! Not that it mattered, really. She worked on keeping the disappointment from her expression.

  “That’s great,” she eventually smiled back. “What kind of—”

  She was stopped abruptly as Jenna placed a finger gently against her lips. “Shhh. No one can know.” She looked around suspiciously. “And I wasn’t finished, either. We’re leaving tonight. In just a couple of hours, in fact.”

  The bride’s eyes flashed bright with excitement.

  “And we want you to come with us.”


  Jenna’s words didn’t register right away. Lauren’s brows came together in total confusion.

  “Come where?”

  “Come with us!”

  “You mean on your honeymoon?”

  “Yes!” Jenna beamed. She looked as excited as a kid on Christmas. “To Finland first, and every place after that! And you can’t say no, because we already got you tickets. All you have to do is pack.”

  Lauren still didn’t understand. Finland? That hadn’t been part of the equation at all. And going with them? On their honeymoon?

  It was a sweet gesture, and she knew why Jenna was doing it. But it just wasn’t a good idea.

  “Oh honey, thank you,” she said sweetly. “But I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

  Jenna looked absolutely crestfallen. “And why not?”

  “Because it’s your honeymoon!” Lauren cried, and just a bit too loudly. She looked around nervously before delivering her best, placating smile. “This trip is for you, Jenna. You and your husband. You’re touring Europe together! It’s going to be the most romantic thing the two of you ever—”

  “It’ll still be my honeymoon,” she offered. “It’ll still be romantic.”

  Lauren chuckled. “Not with me there, acting as a third wheel.”

  “But you won’t be,” Jenna pressed. “Logan and I talked about it and we’re both in total agreement. We want you to come with us! To do everything we do, to see everything we see. To experience Europe with us, the way you were going to before… well, you know.”

  Her friend nestled in closer, until Jenna’s chin rested on her shoulder. Her lips were only inches from Lauren’s ear.

  “I won’t take no,” she whispered hotly. “And Logan won’t either.”

  “Jenna, I—”

  Shivers rocketed down Lauren’s body as her friend nibbled playfully on her earlobe. But was it playful? She could feel the exquisite heat of Jenna’s warm breath on her neck.

  “My husband and I have our whole lives to be together,” she breathed. “We can travel anytime we want to. This is just one trip, sweetie. And yes, it’s special, because it’s our honeymoon. But it’ll be twice as special if you’re there with us. My best friend…”

  “Yes but—”

  She pulled back to look Lauren in the face. “Our best friend...”

  Jenna’s eyes bored into her own. There was a fire there, a love for her that had always burned, as both a friend and
beyond. Lauren had seen this look before. It always came at times when Jenna simply wouldn’t be denied.

  “We’ll be in Finland for a day and a night,” she went on. “Fly out with us. Enjoy it with Logan and I.”

  The arm around her waist slid downward. It cupped her ass, and Lauren jumped.

  “If you still want to go home after that,” Jenna said, “then okay. We’ll change your tickets. But at least spend a little of my honeymoon with me.” She sighed, adorably. “You’re my best friend in the whole world, Lauren. And besides, I did kind of screw you on our pact…”

  Lauren shook her head as they swayed to the music. “Oh please,” she said. “Of course you didn’t. That was just a silly—”

  Jenna gave her ass a gentle squeeze. She leaned in so close that their lips were almost touching. And Lauren could smell her too. Eyes closed, she inhaled the sweet, musky scent of Jenna’s body. Of sweat mixed with perfume…

  “Be in our room,” Jenna whispered. “Two O’Clock.”

  Lauren swallowed dryly. It seemed suddenly plausible. Amazing, even. Surely she could spend a day or two with them, her two best friends? How memorable would it be to see part of Jenna’s honeymoon… then fly home with the knowledge she’s sharing the rest with her husband?

  Could she?

  “Honey, I—”

  The song ended. Her friend released her and stood back with a smile.

  “Two O’Clock,” Jenna said again.

  The crowd surged forward, surrounding the bride. She threw Lauren one last meaningful look, and then she was gone.


  Only an hour later, Lauren stood before the bridal suite door. The hallways were silent and deserted. She knocked softly.

  No answer.

  “Jenna?” she half whispered, half called out loud. She knocked again, this time more loudly.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this.

  She’d spent a good half hour on the edge of her bed, just sitting there staring at the wall. Then she’d packed, neatly and quickly, her decision finally made.

  A noise rattled her as she stood out in the hallway. People, coming up from an adjacent corridor. More of the bridal party, probably. They’d be wondering why she was here.


  The sounds of voices grew louder, and now Lauren could hear giggling. She knocked again, this time louder.


  Lauren felt exposed and foolish, standing before the big oaken door. Her will was breaking.

  Maybe I should go. Maybe I should just forget the whole—

  She tried the knob.

  It turned.

  Relief flooded over her as she pushed her way inside. She closed the door quickly, just as the footsteps made their way past. Lauren sighed in relief. She turned around…

  There, in the dim light of the spacious suite, she saw movement. It was all the way in the back of the chamber. Just beyond the inside wall.


  She called out in her head this time, and that’s because she could hear movement too. The sounds of breathing, fast and heavy. A low moan. A squeal…

  Jenna’s squeal.

  Lauren edged her head around the corner carefully, already knowing what she’d see. Her best friend was on her back, legs spread wide. She was still wearing her wedding dress, only now it was bunched up high, around her waist. And between her thighs…

  … between her thighs, Logan was pumping away.

  Oh my God…

  She froze instantly, utterly immobilized. Logan still had his shirt on, but only barely. It hung open, the buttons undone, revealing his broad, sculpted chest. His pants were gone. His bare ass moved up and down as he sawed in and out of Jenna’s pussy; two taut, muscular globes working their way forward and back.

  Lauren stood there open mouthed, in utter shock. She needed to turn away… knew with all certainty that she should turn away.

  But she just couldn’t.

  Jenna moaned softly as her husband fucked her. She slid her arms over his shoulders to pull him in, then wrapped her legs so far around his waist she hooked her ankles.

  You have to go…

  From her position behind them, Lauren had a perfect view of Logan’s cock. It was big and thick, the shaft coated in a thick, frothy cream. Jenna’s pussy gripped it tightly, the outer lips pushing and pulling against it as he thrust inside of her.

  Get out of here already!

  She started to take a step back. And then suddenly it happened: Jenna glanced up… and looked straight into the face of her best friend.

  Lauren gasped.

  Her friend didn’t say anything at all. She didn’t even look away. Jenna’s eyes were glazed with lust, but they stayed focused distinctly on Lauren’s. They locked tightly on her as she just stood there, watching the two of them screw away.

  In time Jenna’s mouth curled into a lazy, horny smile.

  Lauren tried to swallow, but this time she couldn’t. Her mouth was way too dry. All of a sudden it felt like the temperature of room had reached a thousand degrees. Maybe more.

  Another minute passed, then two. Jenna continued staring at her as she writhed sexily beneath her husband, closing her eyes only when the sensations became too much to bear. Logan’s breathing gradually changed; it became quicker, he thrust faster, and all of a sudden he was finishing inside his wife. Coming inside her best friend.

  “Ahhh FUCK!” Logan cried out.

  He thrust forward deeply, holding his bride steady as he came. Lauren saw the swell of Logan’s balls right before his urethra began pulsating rhythmically, over and over, pumping Jenna full of his come. His cock twitched and jumped, spasming involuntarily as it unloaded itself in a series of powerful spurts.

  It was scorching hot. Hotter than anything Lauren had ever witnessed before.

  And it made her instantly wet.

  Logan uttered a few more grunting noises as he rode out the last, glorious throes of his powerful orgasm. Then he leaned down to kiss his bride, and Jenna wrapped her arms around him.

  You’re an asshole, Lauren reminded herself. You’re a total asshole for watching this.

  She pushed the voice off to the back of her mind. There was nothing else she could do now. What was done was done.

  Logan was up now, withdrawing himself with a wet plop. His cock was magnificent the way it stood out from his body, even only three-quarters the way hard. There was a heart-stopping moment when he turned in Lauren’s direction, and her whole body tensed in anticipation of the humiliation. But then she looked up again and Logan was gone — already in the bathroom, door closed.

  She glanced back at Jenna. The bride was still on her back, legs spread, in the position she’d been when Lauren first arrived. Only now, a river of come was seeping from her pussy.

  Jenna reached down, between her thighs. Ever so slowly, she dragged two fingers through the shallows of her pussy. They came back thick with sperm, all wet and glistening. Then, as Lauren watched, she put both fingers in her mouth… and licked them clean.

  The sounds of the shower starting jolted Lauren back to reality. She stepped forward, just as Jenna sat up.

  “See?” Lauren hissed, in a low, accusatory tone. She jerked a thumb toward the bathroom, then back at herself. “Third wheel!”

  “Oh stop it,” Jenna said with a dismissive wave. “You’re being silly! So you saw us have sex? Big deal.”

  Lauren shook her head in disbelief. Could her friend really be this flippant? Then again… it was Jenna.

  “It is a big deal!”

  Jenna stood up from the bed, all disheveled, her makeup and wedding dress now a total wreck. She still had her garters on. A stream of come was trickling down the inside of one porcelain thigh.

  Even so, she still looked gorgeous.

  “Why?” Jenna asked with a grin. “It’s not like you haven’t seen me have sex before…”

  “Yes, but not with someone else! Not with a guy…”

  “Oh no?” her friend coun
tered. “Are you forgetting Albany?”

  College. They’d roomed together, for two semesters, before Lauren had abruptly transferred out. During that time she’d seen Jenna bring plenty of guys back to their dorm. More than once she’d lain awake at night, pretending not to notice what was going on in the other bed…

  “And then there was the Sigma Chi Halloween party, remember?” Jenna was smiling now. She knew she was being ruthless. “You came back with that caveman, and I brought home the cowboy, with the really big dick?”

  Lauren closed her eyes and sighed. She remembered.

  “And by the time we woke up the next morning we’d switched? All because you wanted to try out—”

  “Alright, alright!” Lauren conceded. “Fine, you win. It’s just that… that was college, Jenna. This is different. Logan’s your husband now!”

  Jenna giggled. “And?”

  The was no arguing with her. No winning.

  “And…” Lauren sighed again. “And… oh, whatever. Nothing, I guess.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment. Then Jenna’s eyes went wide with pure, innocent joy.

  “You’re coming with us!” the bride beamed, as if noticing her for the first time. She hugged Lauren fiercely, as if nothing at all had just happened. As if she wasn’t half naked right now, her warm breasts pressing up against Lauren’s chest.

  “Oh Lauren, I’m so happy! I’m so—”


  She pushed her off for a minute.


  “Finland,” Lauren said sternly. “I’m coming to Finland. After that, I want you and your husband to enjoy your honeymo—”

  The shower stopped. Lauren stepped back uncomfortably.

  “We’ll see,” Jenna winked over her shoulder.




  About the Author

  Krista Wolf is a lover of action, fantasy and all good horror movies… as well as a hopeless romantic with an insatiably steamy, dirtier side.